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Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz told Britain’s Sky.com that the chain’s focus on improving its offerings and encouraging innovation as opposed to cost-cutting and store-closings are the reasons for its turnaround. \r\n \r\n“You can’t “cut your way to prosperity,” Schultz said. “You have to create growth and opportunity.”
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Organic growth initiatives come out on top (46%) when it comes to how to increase market share, followed by a mix of organic growth and M&A (22%) and primarily M&A (22%), according to a survey of 152 senior financial executives of global retail companies by KPMG International.
Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz told Britain’s Sky.com that the chain’s focus on improving its offerings and encouraging innovation as opposed to cost-cutting and store-closings are the reasons for its turnaround.
“You can’t “cut your way to prosperity,” Schultz said. “You have to create growth and opportunity.”
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